Working from Home (WFH) – The guide.

Oct 22, 2020 Blog Post

Hey there,

We understand as many of us have embarked on turning a room in our home into a makeshift office this year, working from home can be both stressful and socially isolating.

Yes, the commute may be much better, and we do love being able to wear jogging bottoms, however, we can experience a lack of motivation or distractions which can make WFH rather challenging.

However, help is at hand, here are our Top 6 WFH tips, to get you out of that slump!

1- Exercising frequently

So simple but so effective, exercising, stretching, going on a brisk walk will help you clear your mind and increase productivity. It is NOT normal to sit at your desk all day and in doing so you will not only endure backache and eye strain but also you might find that your productivity will lower if you slug it out all day.

2- Regular updates/ contact your team 

WFH can be so socially isolating and it’s ok to say that you feel isolated. That’s why it’s essential to keep team morale up. Ongoing communication via WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom can help departments support each other.

3- Separate your work from your relaxation 

This may be slightly difficult if you live in a house share, however, either tidying your work station away at the end of the day or keeping it in a dedicated room in which you shut away, keep your work and relaxation space-separated so you can switch off! Remember to look after yourself! Step away from social media, turn off the laptop, and do something which helps you unwind in the evening.

4- Stick to your routine 

Be strict with your routine. Ensure that you get up at the same time every day and switch off at the same time. During the time that you would normally set aside to commute why not read, or exercise?

5- Write LISTS! 

If you don’t already write lists every day, then this is the best time to start! The power of writing lists is unmeasurable! In the morning start with a list of everything which needs to be completed that day, including times for breaks and reminders to get up and walkabout. It’s not only satisfying being able to cross things off the list as you go through the day, but it also helps you prioritise what work you need to get done so no time is wasted!

6- Listen to music! 

Music is so underrated, but it really can help our mood! I personally find it challenging to work in complete silence, so if you’re like me pop on the radio to your favourite station and enjoy some music whilst completing your tasks! 

That’s it! Get in touch if you have any other WFH tips, we would love to hear from you!

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